We welcome new students to our school and ask you to bring the following documents to school when you come to register your child:
- original birth certificate or original baptismal certificate
- current immunization records
- proof of residency (a utility bill will be fine)
- an emergency contact person or number for your child’s records
A student’s parents or legal guardians must live in our district to be able to enroll without paying tuition. Children whose parents or legal guardians do not live in our district have to apply for out-of-district acceptance. We will not be able to accept notarized letters from parents changing their parental rights as guardianships.
We also feel education is an opportunity for all students, including those who may be homeless. We treat all children with respect and provide the same free and appropriate educational opportunities to all.

In order for us to enroll your child in school, we need proof that your child is up-to-date on his or her shots. The state of Arizona permits exemptions from vaccinations for personal reasons with the parent’s signature or for medical reasons with the signature of a parent and physician. Please be aware that we can’t allow students without current vaccines to be at school if there is an outbreak of disease. We’ve included the links to the Arizona vaccination requirements as well as the exemption form in the sidebar.

Parents, please note: We do not have a school nurse on our campus. It is extremely important you provide us with an emergency contact for your child. If your son or daughter has a fever, is ill, or is in distress, he or she will need to go home. If you are not available, we will notify your emergency contact to come and pick your child up from school.